
Food Insecurity Forum

20th September 2016

We are very excited to announce that we are hosting a Food Insecurity Forum. Please find details below and a link to sign up to attend. It is free to attend and we would love to see you there.

Saturday 1st October – 1pm – 4pm
Mary Immaculate & St Peter’s Church Hall
63 Somerset Road
New Barnet

We welcome two leading experts who will be sharing results from leading foodbank research

Professor Pat Caplan from Goldsmiths, University of London, will discuss her research which includes a study of our own Chipping Barnet foodbank.

Professor Alex Murdock of London South Bank University will talk about his foodbank research in the UK, US and Europe.

You will also get the opportunity to:

Meet exhibitors
Voice new ideas
Meet new contacts
Take part in interactive group discussions
Take part in workshops at the end of the day

There will be light refreshments throughout the day.

This event is free to attend. To sign up, please visit:

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